This blog is just a collection of my humble thoughts and a journal of my roller-coaster life as an Army wife.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving this week as, I imagine, are all of you. My sister and her husband and their grandchildren are all coming Tomorrow. So, we will have 3 children 3 and under here in the house. You might say a prayer for Alan. He doesn't do noise well. In other news, Alaina is growing and this week has started potty training! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! By the way, I have had to add a word verification to the comment section as I am getting a lot of automated comments. Sorry about that.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Blog Is Blank!
My blog is blank! What's up with that? I've been getting some wierd spam comments on a post from over a year ago and when I went to look at the latest one there was nothing there! Has anyone else had this happen? Does anyone see this post at all?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Despite having pneumonia, I awoke singing, "There is no God like Jehovah!" Over and over. Feeling better today though I still have to take it easy. I got a few things accomplished. Alaina got to watch a lot more TV than she usually does. Momma just can't do it all right now. I know I haven't been blogging much. I've just been really busy. A lot going on here. I will try and update when I can. If any of you are on Face Book befriend me. Make sure you send me a message so I'll know who you are.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
We spent a day at EuroDisney during our vacation in France. Alaina did very well for the most part. The outstanding exception was when Chip and Dale came by and we took her to see them. She screamed like there was no tomorrow and tried to climb over my shoulder and down my back to get away from them!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Trip To Normandy
In May, my sister came to us again and we did quite a bit of traveling with her. We took a trip to France. Our first stop was in Normandy. We were there for the Memorial Day weekend and we ended up very glad we took that weekend and not D-Day as it would have been a mad house with so many politicians around. Normandy is a lovely section of France. The people there are much nicer than in Paris. The weather was perfect. Not too cold and not hot although it did rain a day or 2. If I had to live in Europe somewhere I'd choose Normandy, but only if I could be very near the English channel. I did love that. The pictures you see here are 3 of the American cemetary
and 2 of Pointe du Hoc. An interesting fact I learned here is that this land was owned by a farmer. After the war he could not farm it due to the huge pock marks from all the bombs dropped here. I believe he ended up having to sell it to a preservation society. We had a private tour guide the whole day one day and as he was telling us about this we had not yet arrived. After we arrived I understood it. It may not look so bad in this picutre but, those pock marks could hold houses they are so large. And they're every where. It's no wonder he couldn't farm it! It's now unusable land, but serves a good purpose to educate us about the real effects of war. There is a picture in there that shows my sister, me and our tour guide Mathias. Do go to his website and click on "landscapes of Normandy". He has some fantastic pictures of the Normandy D-Day sites. When we went to the American memorial cemetary, Alan suddenly turned off and ran another way. I knew he recognized someone but didn't know what was going on until he turned back. As it turns out, he recognized Senator Lindsey Graham. He went to take a picture of him, but senator Graham's aide caught him and grabbed his camera before he could. Learning that Alan was a soldier he then offered to take a picture of him and the Senator together! So that was pretty cool. We admired that Senator Graham was there to pay his respects and tour the for himself at a time when the cameras were not rolling. It seems so many times, politicians only do those things for the cameras (TV cameras) but I can testify that he was there without the fanfare. I'll post more pictures later.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hair Cut
Well, I just got a foot of hair cut off and still have hair longer than my shoulders! In the next week or so I'm going to have it dyed back to the blonde it used to be. I think my husband is in shock. He has never seen me with such short hair! He was trying to be positive, but I'm not convinced he really likes it.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
We're Here!
We are finally moved back to the States! We have found a house and vehicles and now my computer is up and running so I can blog again! I have so much to tell you all! Over the summer we traveled to Austria and Italy. Then we moved here (Ft. Leavenworth, KS) and the shopping began. For those of you who are shopaholics I recommend shopping everyday, in the heat with a toddler in tow. There was so much buying we had to do I lost my taste for it. Not that I was ever a shopaholic, but much less so now. Anyway, look for pictures and updates in the following days. It's nice to be back!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Barack Obama Is A Disgrace To Our Nation
He has no business being President. He does not even know how to give a proper and tasteful gift to a head of State. He has dishonored the oval office by not dressing properly and not requiring others to do so. He wastes tax payer money by taking his wife on a date in airforce one to NYC. That same action shows he is no friend to the environment either. He dishonored our wounded warriors when he took his tour of Europe during the campaign. When he was told he could not have cameras follow him to our hospital in Landstul he refused to go. After all a picture is worth a thousand words but seeing first hand the soldiers who have sacrificed everything for his freedom is apparently worthless. It is my opinion that if he can he will turn us into a socialist nation, and if he can he will start with socialized health care. Socialized medicine is not what we want here in America! Why do you think those with money from other fully developed nations come to America for treatment? Because those nations have socialized medicine and they can't get what they need or can't get it in time. Now see what he has to say about gays and lesbians. Hat tip to Midnight Musings for the link. Let us rise up and condemn his actions while we still have a voice!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sarah Palin And Her Clothes
Does anyone remember all the accusations running around the news rooms when Sarah Palin was the Republican nominee for Vice President? The ones I'm referring to were about the amount of money spent on clothes for her and the Palin family. They were accusing her of demanding all the clothes and demanding expensive clothes etc. etc. She denied having requested anything except for,"maybe a Diet Dr. Pepper."
Well now the truth has come out. She has been vindicated. I don't get much of American news out here, but I'm betting you don't see this on the news. If you do, please let me know where and what was said. According to this article, the clothes were bought by the RNC (Republican National Committee) and all of the purchases were legal. “The RNC states that it used its own funds to make the expenditures for the clothing and accessories. . . . We have no information to the contrary. As such, no candidate funds were converted to ‘personal use,’ ” it said. Please go to the article and read the entire thing. It isn't long and wont take much time, but is so worth it.
The sad/really annoying thing is that if they had found she had broken the law or lied or something, it would be headline news. All over the internet etc. No, I doubt it makes the news at all.
Well now the truth has come out. She has been vindicated. I don't get much of American news out here, but I'm betting you don't see this on the news. If you do, please let me know where and what was said. According to this article, the clothes were bought by the RNC (Republican National Committee) and all of the purchases were legal. “The RNC states that it used its own funds to make the expenditures for the clothing and accessories. . . . We have no information to the contrary. As such, no candidate funds were converted to ‘personal use,’ ” it said. Please go to the article and read the entire thing. It isn't long and wont take much time, but is so worth it.
The sad/really annoying thing is that if they had found she had broken the law or lied or something, it would be headline news. All over the internet etc. No, I doubt it makes the news at all.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Ignorance Continues
Boris you are as ignorant as you are crude. You are welcome to post a comment any time, but you are not welcome to be rude and crude. Websters dictionary defines theory as,"A proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact." "Guess or conjecture."
I defy you to offer any proof. They have never found any missing link. They have never proven to anyone that life evolved from ooze.
I attended a Christian college. They did not teach evolution. It was discussed but only as an unproven theory. I also was a nursing major in a non Christian school. Evolution was not even discussed in any of the many science classes I took. Aside from that you cannot state that every Christian college teaches evolution as you clearly have not researched every Christian college. The Christian academic community, as a whole, has never rejected creationism.
The Bible does not say the earth is flat. Have you even read the Bible? You say,"No Protestant denomination accepted the findings of Galileo and Copernicus until 1835." That isn't true as Columbus had already discovered the world was not flat LONG before that.
You are so filled with hate. Why? No one is forcing anything on you. You came to this blog of your own will. If you don't like what you read don't read it. How simple. How easy! All you have done here is prove your ignorance. You state things that cannot be. You stated, "No Protestant denomination accepted the findings of Galileo and Copernicus until 1835. " You cannot know that as fact. I don't believe that you even know what all the protestant denominations were at that time, and I don't believe for one minute that you bothered to take the time to research the writings of every church. No, you choose to believe what others tell you without seeing for yourself if it's true.
I defy you to offer any proof. They have never found any missing link. They have never proven to anyone that life evolved from ooze.
I attended a Christian college. They did not teach evolution. It was discussed but only as an unproven theory. I also was a nursing major in a non Christian school. Evolution was not even discussed in any of the many science classes I took. Aside from that you cannot state that every Christian college teaches evolution as you clearly have not researched every Christian college. The Christian academic community, as a whole, has never rejected creationism.
The Bible does not say the earth is flat. Have you even read the Bible? You say,"No Protestant denomination accepted the findings of Galileo and Copernicus until 1835." That isn't true as Columbus had already discovered the world was not flat LONG before that.
You are so filled with hate. Why? No one is forcing anything on you. You came to this blog of your own will. If you don't like what you read don't read it. How simple. How easy! All you have done here is prove your ignorance. You state things that cannot be. You stated, "No Protestant denomination accepted the findings of Galileo and Copernicus until 1835. " You cannot know that as fact. I don't believe that you even know what all the protestant denominations were at that time, and I don't believe for one minute that you bothered to take the time to research the writings of every church. No, you choose to believe what others tell you without seeing for yourself if it's true.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Joy Behar Shows Her Ignorance
Joy Behar of the "View" stated on Tuesday's show that Darwins theory of evolution is "fact". This is not the first time she has run her mouth when she doesn't know what she's talking about. Clearly Behar cannot be bothered to do any research before attempting to claim her opinions are known facts. The theory of evolution is just that. A theory. It is nothing more than Darwin's idea of how things came to be. Evolution has NEVER been proven. I believe in the Biblical account of creation. I am truly happy that Joy left teaching, as ignorant teachers are part of the problems we have in America today. I don't mind ANYONE stating their OPINION about anything. I do however, have a serious problem with so many people in America today stating their opinions as facts, saying that "everyone" feels the same as the speaker or worse that "educated" "inteligent" or "smart" people in America agree with whatever they are saying. If you have an opinion and wish to state it do so, but please don't attribute it to the rest of us.
I also wish to say that I agree with the current (she may not be for long) Miss California USA who when asked stated that she feels marriage ought to be between a man and a woman. That poor woman! Asked her opinion in the Miss USA contest she gave her honest opinion. Now she is being persecuted for it. Was anyone else asked such a controversial question? I found it laughable that some of the people in California say she shouldn't represent their state because that is not representative of the way everyone in California feels. Well, please explain to me how one person is supposed to represent 2 very differing points of view? And didn't California just put gay marriage to a vote and it got voted down? So then doesn't her opinion represent the majority of the people anyway? Seriously, are the leftists in California so open minded that their brains have leaked out?
Back to Behar. The topic they were discussing when this came up was that a teacher in California was successfully sued by a student for making the statement that creationism is nothing but superstitious nonsense. Read the article here. No really, read it. It's short and worth the read. Everyone seemed to be against the teacher belittling the student's religious beliefs, but Behar argued with Sheri who is teaching her son creationism. Behar argued that "they have proof" about Darwinism and not about creationism. "All the scientists in the world" believe in Darwinism. Balderdash! Many of the world's finest scientists do not believe in evolution, because it has not been proven and there is NO proof. It is the fanciful theory of an agnostic. (Yes, I said agnostic. His views of religion seem to indicate that he felt all religions should be equal. Such a person may believe in a higher being, but clearly didn't feel it had much if anything to do with him). While I in my humanness cannot scientifically prove creationism, I look at a baby coming out of his mother and in no way can believe that this whole process began by something crawling out of primordial ooze. I believe the Bible. Everything else in it has been true. The Lord has proven Himself to me. I need no other evidence. It's called faith.
I also wish to say that I agree with the current (she may not be for long) Miss California USA who when asked stated that she feels marriage ought to be between a man and a woman. That poor woman! Asked her opinion in the Miss USA contest she gave her honest opinion. Now she is being persecuted for it. Was anyone else asked such a controversial question? I found it laughable that some of the people in California say she shouldn't represent their state because that is not representative of the way everyone in California feels. Well, please explain to me how one person is supposed to represent 2 very differing points of view? And didn't California just put gay marriage to a vote and it got voted down? So then doesn't her opinion represent the majority of the people anyway? Seriously, are the leftists in California so open minded that their brains have leaked out?
Back to Behar. The topic they were discussing when this came up was that a teacher in California was successfully sued by a student for making the statement that creationism is nothing but superstitious nonsense. Read the article here. No really, read it. It's short and worth the read. Everyone seemed to be against the teacher belittling the student's religious beliefs, but Behar argued with Sheri who is teaching her son creationism. Behar argued that "they have proof" about Darwinism and not about creationism. "All the scientists in the world" believe in Darwinism. Balderdash! Many of the world's finest scientists do not believe in evolution, because it has not been proven and there is NO proof. It is the fanciful theory of an agnostic. (Yes, I said agnostic. His views of religion seem to indicate that he felt all religions should be equal. Such a person may believe in a higher being, but clearly didn't feel it had much if anything to do with him). While I in my humanness cannot scientifically prove creationism, I look at a baby coming out of his mother and in no way can believe that this whole process began by something crawling out of primordial ooze. I believe the Bible. Everything else in it has been true. The Lord has proven Himself to me. I need no other evidence. It's called faith.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
We went to England for 10 days in April. We stayed at the Strand Palace Hotel. The hotel is in a good location. Only 2 blocks from covent garden. We went to the London Hard Rock Cafe of course. Saw Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, the town of Bath, the Tower of London and took a cruise on the Thames. Here are some pictures from our trip.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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