I have a new tip today for Frugal Friday hosted by Crystal Paine over at Biblical Womanhood. This is something I just discovered the other day. As you know, a few weeks ago I got a great deal on breakfast cereal. The other day, I was emptying the boxes into a very large Tupperware type container so I can measure the amount I eat out. (trying to slim a bit you see). As I was tearing off the boxtops for education things and flattening the boxes for recycling it hit me. The waxed paper bag that the cereal goes in has a second use. I was fixing to throw them away when it occurred to me that they would be perfect to use in the microwave as a cover for dishes that don't have a cover. ie. warming a plate of food etc. Normally, I would tear off a square of waxed paper or a paper towel to go over it to keep food from exploding all over the microwave. Well the waxed paper inserts do a wonderful job and often enough I can just put the dish inside the bag! When removed if it is messy just throw it away. At least now it has been used twice and I have not had to use a sheet of waxed paper from the roll. Recycling and saving money too. What could be better?
been doing this for awhile :) you're right- it's a great thing to do and lets us use all the parts of the package. plus it fits cookie sheets real well!
Now that is an awesome tip! Thanks!
I would have never thought of it.
That's a new tip for me. I never would have thot of that one. Thanks!
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