Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm back from Guatemala. I had a wonderful visit with baby Alaina and though my back is worse instead of better, I'm still glad I got to see her and hold her for a while. She is such a happy baby! She wakes up all smiles and coos which is a good things seeing as her mama is not a happy morning person. When I get the pics uploaded I'll post some. Guatemalans like their fireworks and set them off all day Christmas eve, Christmas day, new Years eve, and New Years day. Sounded like shooting in the streets. I took Alaina for her first swimming experience. She liked the swimming part (they had a heated pool at the hotel) but she wasn't over fond of the cold feeling when you get out of the water. She didn't cry or make a fuss though.
So, now I'm back home, I can barely move (going to the clinic tomorrow) and there is little to eat in the house. Please pray for my back. The pain is moving downward from the back into my left hip.
This year we hope to bring our girl home, eat healthier and exercise more. It's good to be home. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


Unknown said...

Oh how I pray you can get your baby home soon! It was great reading that you did get to spend the holidays with her though. I know it must have been so terribly hard to leave her behind once again.

I'll pray for your pain to go away.

I think you are traveling as much as my sis, Jungle Mom!

Anonymous said...

Praying for your back! Can't wait to see the pics. How did Alan survive the holidays without his Rebecca??? Poor guy! I am so glad you got to go, though. Blessings, Janie

Rebecca said...

Thank you both for your prayers. Alan says he survived by keeping busy. He deep cleaned the whole place in addition to working and caring for a crying kitty who was missing his mama. Apparently Smokey went from room to room looking for me and then would sit by the front door and cry. :( Still, it's nice to be loved and missed.