Sunday, July 29, 2007

America The Beautiful!

This is MY country! Land of my birth. This is MY country grandest on earth. I pledge thee my allegiance America, the bold. For this is MY country to have and to hold.

That's right I'm back in the States. For a little while anyway. Jungle mom I thought of you the other day. I'm currently at my sister's in Chicago and went to the grocery store with her the other day. Wow! What a selection! At the commissary on our small post there is little selection and I can't do a lot of shopping in the German stores because we have food allergies and I can't read all the ingredients in things. I was so amazed! In 13 months I have already forgotten how things are here. I wanted to get a cart and start buying! So I thought of Jungle mom, because if I felt that way how much more must she have been in shock.

Anyway, Alan joins me next week. Apparently our boy Smokey is not adjusting well to my absence. He is going room to room looking for me and crying. Poor Alan. The cat just wont be comforted.

It's so exciting to be here though. I got to see my baby niece. Last time I saw her she was only about 6 weeks old if that much. Now she is nearly 16 months old and is walking and talking. She is so cute! Her parents are expecting another in December at Christmas time.

So, I will be giving updates from our travels in the States over the next few weeks. Enjoy your day!


Carrie J said...

Rebecca, I know this is pretty far fetched but I was wondering what would be the possibility of you meeting new people that get assigned to Germany? My daughter's friend, only 19 and pregnant with her first child, just got there about a month ago. She could probably use some Christian fellowship.

Rita Loca said...

Oh do have fun!!!

Unknown said...

It's great to hear you are here safely!! Enjoy your loved ones and the shopping!

TO BECOME said...

I hope you enjoy and treasure every moment you are here. May God bless you. connie from texas

Mrs. D said...

Carrie J, where in Germany did your daughter's friend move too? There are often English-speaking churches in areas where there still are American bases or where there used to be one.
I live in Bonn and attend the internatinal church there. That's always a good place to meet people.
Rebecca, where in Germany do you live?

Rita Loca said...

knock, knock????

Rebecca said...

Carrie, I would love to meet your daughter's friend and Jeannine we live in Bamberg.