Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Please go here to read the story of a real American hero. On my 36th birthday, Lt. Michael Murphy in an astounding act of bravery, gave his life to save his team. It is humbling and makes me cry to know that while I was celebrating, he was dying for my freedom. How much more humbling to know that Jesus went through so much more for my eternal freedom. Thank God for His salvation. I also thank God for brave men like Michael Murphy and for the men and women like my husband who risk it all to serve.


Unknown said...

Yes, I saw Glenn Beck interview the only survivor of that squad. Although short,what a thought provoking post you did here. We go on about our normal way of life many times while some brave soul is in danger or even dying for us. I love how you relayed the thought of Jesus dying for our sins here too.

Rebecca said...

Thank you Pam.