Sunday, April 22, 2007

Springtime and Smokey

We have had the most beautiful weather this past week. Sun shining, few clouds, warm temps. Long walks in the evenings. Spring is such a wonderful time for lighthearted romance and fun! Yesterday was spent washing both cars. In the evening I took our boy Smokey out on his leash for the first time since we have been here. He was very nervous, but I think he really enjoyed going to the park. The kids all liked him and wanted to pet him and be with him. The only thing is that he just hates wearing the harness and being on the leash. I hate that it must be so, but they don't allow pets to be off leash here on post. Smokey misses being allowed to roam free, but I hope he will enjoy getting to go out regardless. He has been so restless and now he seems more content so... What is everyone else doing to enjoy the spring weather?


TO BECOME said...

Our church is planning a trip to the park on Friday and we can't wait. It will be just a warm of for our camping trip the first week end of May , which we are really looking forward. I hope Smokey get used to being on the leash.:( I feel for him. connie from Texas

Rebecca said...

I doubt Smokey will ever like the leash but hopefully he will get used to it. Don't you just love spring! I love group outings.